5 Reasons Why Love Is Waiting For You
(Written in Feb 18, 2014)
Ultimately, we all want love and when we don't feel it we start to question our lovability. It can be easy for us to forget the love that we are. At one moment in my life, I believed that I didn’t have the ability to love or receive it, when in fact, there is this incredible love all around us, ALL. THE. TIME. The only thing that gets in our way to that abundance is ourselves. We can be our greatest barrier when it comes to love.
1. Self-Love. Did you know you are worthy of love…from yourself? Many times we forget that the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. We all have things that we constantly judge about ourselves and when those thoughts consume us, our glowing love goes unnoticed from our very own eyes. Take the time to practice self-love every day because if you can't do it for yourself, no one else can do it for you. Love your mind. Love your body. Love your wrinkles. Love your past. Love your personality. Love yourself.
2. Your gift of love. We are all here on this planet to love. When you give it without any attachments, you'll feel it regardless if someone returns it or not. Don't give love to receive, give love because that's what you are. You are a gift and so is your love.
3. Give an opportunity for people to show you they can love you. Open up and allow yourself to be available to the energy of love. Being closed off will only shut out the possibility. People want to meet you. They want to hold you. Support you. Care for you. You just need to give them the chance to show you. Love is a doorway that only you can open or close. So invite someone to smile at you. Love comes in all forms, sometimes in the simplest details.
4. There won't be a direction you'll take that won't break your heart. It’s exhausting the amount of energy used to make the right decision so we won’t have to suffer through any heartbreak. At one point or another, we will all have our hearts broken. The reality is, this is just a part of the experience of life. Your heart will test you because that’s how you get to know yourself, your work, or your relationships over and over again. To live life isn’t to avoid being broken. It's to learn how to become larger to hold the heartbreaks so we can love deeper and more honestly.
5. Open up to all forms. Many times we place our focus on the appearance of our ideal “perfect partner,” which often is influenced by the media, advertisements, parents, or peers. If we continue to wait until the ideal shows up, we’ll miss out on the incredible possibility of love today. So I invite you to reframe your perspective by placing your focus on the experience that you want rather than the form the person takes. By focusing on the experience, you will be able to manifest the outcome without letting your ego be your barrier. So show up and be present to see the essence of another.